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Oaks Meadow Project plans for 2024
As presented at the AGM on 22 November 2023
Much of the work that was planned for Phases 1 and 2 has now been completed and the Trustees would, therefore, like to concentrate on consolidating our achievements so far and build on an all inclusive facility for all to enjoy.
- Encourage more community involvement by arranging activities every Sunday morning from 10:00 to 12:00. There will be a schedule of tasks to be done in a specific area and the reason behind the activity. There will be a Trustee or Guardian on site for each session and explanations of why the work needs to be done eg preparing the vegetable beds for planting in the Spring.
- Drainage of certain parts of the meadow is essential as vehicles cannot be driven onto the site if there has been torrential rain. Due to rising costs and resident’s concerns the Trustees are considering postponing the construction of a car park but will try to raise the funds to carry out other parts of the planning permission granted ie a barrier gate and low level bars to stop unwanted vehicles accessing the meadow.
- The area that has been cut needs to be harrowed ready for wildflower seed planting. We need to find someone to do this work as soon as possible.
- Request appropriate signage from Suffolk County Council to indicate that children are at play nearby. This sign could go on the one already in situ for the speed monitor.
- Request extension of the footpath, from the existing one to the footbridge entrance, from Suffolk County Council Highways Department. This request has been ongoing since the project started, but we need to pursue it further with help from our Suffolk CC Kay Oakes. More and more children and families are walking to the meadow which is to be commended, but the lack of a footpath creates a danger especially as there is a slight bend in the road along that stretch.
- Review Phase 3 of the Five Year Strategic Plan to construct a village hall. The Trustees have discussed this at length and feel that the ideal that was originally proposed is unlikely to be carried forward. However, the need for a community hub for local residents is still required and we will look at some slightly less ambitious ideas during the coming year.